Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Fight terrorism in a tux . . .

Coddling terrorist is not protecting our First Amendment rights:

I don't know, but I do get the feeling that fighting terrorism for some of our politicians is like a plumber going to work in a tux. There's dirty work out there, and yet they’re dressed for the next banquet with their politically correct speech well prepared. Where did we ever get the idea that we can fight an international war on terrorism without dirtying ourselves?

Clearly we have lost our focus. Coddling the terrorist among us by covering them with a Constitution that was never written to protect thugs with foreign ideologies that intend to destroy us was not the purpose that our founding fathers had in mind. As a matter of fact, our Second Amendment was added to clarify that point.

 I indeed find it very interesting when the attack on the Canadian Parliament by an obvious jihadist, or the New York subway axe hacking Muslim is explained away by our national media as just another lone wolf, not really tied to any organized international organization. Really. Is organized religion, especially one that promotes violence, not international, and organizationally linked by ideology? Do we really think that a Klu Klux Klaner would be treated so kindly? If not, then why these murderers? Bowing to Mecca 5 times daily does not lessen the hurt any less.

I know it is a tricky line to walk but as far as I am concerned our First Amendment Right to “free speech” and the right to practice the religion of our choice is not an open door with a sign posted on it reading, “Come on in. Say and do what you want. Winner take all.” No, absolutely not. These Constitutional amendments are there to protect the weak, the innocent; not internal thuggery, religious or otherwise.

Now, allow me, if you will, to carry the argument one step farther. When does “aiding and abetting” a criminal suddenly take on an entirely different meaning when it is practices under the guise of freedom? The type of freedom that I have in mind is kind that turns a blind eye in a mosque, or allow our Internet resources to be used to infest our youth with medieval barbarity. This is not freedom, this is an idiocity.

Granted not all Muslims are terrorists; however, I certainty think it would help their cause if we heard a little bit more from this silent majority.

I am yours for the journey,


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