Thursday, May 12, 2016

Staying relevant does not necessarily mean that you are contemporary.

Staying relevant does not necessarily mean that you are contemporary. Let me explain. There are those who argue that Christianity is flexible, it changes with the times. Naturally, they cite the plight of the slaves, and not only do they want to see this horrible practice condemned to fit in with modern contemporary, but they wish to eradicate the memory thereof by historical revisionism. Anything to do with the Confederacy is out and basically despised by the politically correct elite. Almost anything goes. Deface historical monuments, change the appearance of our currency, write off the entire South as just a bunch of Bubbas. Anything goes.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Harriet Tubman was a great lady and deserves her place in history, perhaps something similar to the Stone Mountain Park Monument in Georgia, or the Mount Rushmore National Memorial in South Dakota, along with other great black and minority leaders. Honor is not what this is all about. Cultural revisionism is, however.

There are other examples, too. President Obama apologizing about American’s arrogance and upper handedness in the past as many of the leftwing liberals are advocating —and if my hunch is right, he will come as close to apologize to Japan for America’s use of the Atomic bomb to end World War II as politically correct for him to do. As if I or anyone else could apologize for what my granddaddy did. Now, not only do these politically correct storm troopers want to rewrite past history, they also have the audacity to pre-write future history, also. If not, then pray tell me how anyone in their right mind can hand out a Nobel Peace Prize to someone on the basis of what they might do? Which, incidentally, gives us a hint on how far reaching this cultural revisionism is. In a nut shell, its sole purpose appears to be to eradicate Western civilization as we know it and replace with contemporary values.

It is a subtle moral revisionism, also. Anything is fair game. Piggy back the gay rights movement on the back of the Black Civil rights movement, that’s fine as long as it gets the job done. Give the ESPN Arthur Ashe Award for Courage to a transgender—more properly a transvestite—like Caitlyn Jenner is simply just another example in a long list of misguided value judgments that these purveyors of moral contemporaneity who will go to any lengths to muddy the waters of spiritual sanity.

Yes, America made mistakes in the past. Big mistakes. These we cannot ignore. However, to write off the use of nuclear weaponry to end Second World War as great moral blunder is simply not true. For sure it was the lesser of two evils but a choice had to be made, and it was. Only at the judgement seat of Christ will the truth be known, however.

 Take care!

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