Friday, May 13, 2016

Personally, I don’t recall any other time that American politics has disturbed me anymore than these days. Defamation of character seems to be the order of the day. Call your opponent a big fat slob, or a liar, or any other childish name you wish and your ratings go up.

No, I am not just talking about the Donald, either. There are exceptions, but their rating are in the single digits. Listen carefully and you will find as many Democrats squealing as you do Republicans using the same ad hominem attacks. Yes, I know Jesus called Creaser an old fox, but can you think of a better description? Nonetheless, when perfectly decent men and women are vilified it is to me a different proposition altogether.
That aside, however, the news media goads and baits politicians for the sole purpose of ratings or advertising revenue which only accentuates the frenzy. It’s all about the money. Further, it seems that a politician’s moral character is secondary for some of our larger churches and universities. Everybody wants to be on the winner’s side, it seems. Compromise, particularly when money is involved, seems to be the name of the game.
What a crazy topsy-turvy world!

Our degenerate political correctness has conveniently hidden the awfulness of the morning after pill under the euphemism of “emergency postcoital contraception” and the killing of the innocents as “prochoice”—it’s a woman’s right, you know. What rubbish. Moreover, for the P. C. crowd Islamic jihadist must not be referred to as Muslim extremists, or in any constructive way be linked to the source of its putrid origins. Again, what rubbish.

Yet, even now we are faced with another jihadist attack from terrorists born, raised in and protected by the ostensibly peace loving Muslims in the Molenbeek section of Brussels. After all, grandma’s home or the neighbor next door has proven to be a safer haven than the streets of Europe, so why not stick close to home and enjoy a fine home cooked meal and the camaraderie of old pals? By the way, when is the last time you have heard of peace loving Muslims turning one jihadist in? I can’ think of one. Perhaps, it’s high time for us to distinguish between complacency and peace loving. I’m just saying.

Once more, what a crazy topsy-turvy world!

As you know, currently I am in Beijing which surprisingly has a thriving and open Christian community as well as a large ethnic Muslim population throughout the rest of the country. Speaking of Chinese Muslims, I’m no expert but I can’t imagine China’s leadership losing any sleep over Guantanamo if the shoe were on the other foot. Surely there must be a lesson in all of this. Could it be that murder and mayhem parading under the banner of Islam requires swift and severe punishment?

Granted the Scriptures declares: 

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (ESV)

But what justice, however, is there for an unrepentant heart? Release the jihadist from Guantanamo and what do you get? Just another jihadist on the loose, as far as I can see. So, perhaps, just perhaps, it is best to stick with Scripture on this one:

“For judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy (James 2:13).”

Sound harsh? I hope not. But we must be realistic, and we must be practical.

On the practical side and on another matter, I would suggest that vetting extremism is an ongoing task; and if you or your religious persuasion is detrimental to the state, potentially or otherwise, you lose your right to practice your particular brand of fanaticism. Naturally there must be a balance in all of this, but I am not sure we in the west have come up with a solution. Now, don’t misread me on this, the real test is in determining who the real extremist are. Cherry picking for individual jihadist in the process at this point is for all practical purposes impossible. Therefore, in my opinion, vetting individuals is secondary to vetting the sectarian system in which these fanatics thrive. Until we are able to successfully do that, we are in for a heap of trouble.

Need I say more?

As a voter most Christians are increasingly caught in a Catch-22 between the lesser of 2 evils. On the one hand the choice is an abortion advocate and proven incompetent, and on the other someone who quite well may just as well take us to the brink of Armageddon and beyond. Truth is there is no moral majority to fall back on either—that is, if there ever was one.

There is, however, one comforting fact, that I find in Acts 17:26 which reads:
“From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.”

To me, this undeniably declares that God is in ultimate control and He sets the course of history and will keep it on track until the very end. We have the privilege and opportunity to play the roles as we see fit, but He has written the play. And, in the end, God wins.
Well, I’ve gone out on a limb on this one, but it is not the first time. And, quite frankly, on this one, I had just as soon be proven wrong.

Yours in the Bonds of Calvary,


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