Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Will sincerity get you to Heaven?

Often, I hear people say, “All religions are basically the same, so It doesn’t matter what you believe, really, as long as you are sincere about it.” That being the case, why then bother with all the gory details of the Crucifixion, or why would God send His only begotten Son to the earth in the first place? Apparently, God didn’t think Judaism was good enough, or Buddhism which existed long before Christianity. Philosophy fits into the same category. Not much new there, since the time of the ancient Hindu or Greek philosophers, either, just some modern twists on old thoughts. So, there must be a reason for this shift from what was to what must be.

Contrary to popular opinion, then, it does matter what one believes. All roads may lead to Rome, but not all roads lead to life everlasting. Only Jesus is that road, the way so to speak. He is also the truth, first and foremost. In Him, and through Him, and for Him, all things exist (Romans 11:36). Get that wrong, and you’ll wobble through life with uncertainty, always in a state of moral confusion, not really convinced that you or I or anyone else can ever be really sure of spiritual truths.

For some, this means that their destiny is up for grabs. Who knows what lies ahead? Now, I am not just talking about the world at large, either. Our pews are full of people that are just not quite sure. Not sure if righteously living, for instance, in the long run pays off.

No, don’t get me wrong. I am not saying that honest doubt is wrong; what I am, however, saying, is that we like the father in Mark 9: 14-29, who brought his son to Jesus to be healed, must seek God for clarification, and spiritual insight into such matters, rather than just simply accept what appears confusing to us. Half-truths will produce half answers. Which, in the long run, are not answers at all, they are simply excuses. The lazy man’s way out, you might say.

Believe me, it is easy to become spiritually lazy, if you are not already. Carrying a Bible to church on Sunday to look good, and neglecting to read it the rest of the week is a good sign of spiritual laziness, as are our little cookie cutter prayers throughout the week.

So, it does matter what we believe, and how we act. This is all God’s plan for us. Yes, we must contend for the faith that was once and for all times delivered to the saints (Jude 3); not just contend, however, we must live it (Jude 20-21).

Be blessed, better yet, bless others,


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