Tuesday, November 14, 2017

God doesn't have a "B" plan . . .

Nothing like having a good "B-Plan" if things don't go as expected. However, if you, I or anyone else is looking for God's "B-Plan" forget it! He doesn't have one. Never did; never will. He has always had one central purpose for each one of us: That is, to form us into the image of Christ (Romans 8:28-29).

Try to substitute another plan from your own ingenuity, and at best we are going to mess up what God has planned for us all along. This is to say that even if God does not always get His own way with us, He never gives up. He simply doesn’t. This is where free will comes in. We will get sidetracked from time to time. He knows that, and will put up with it, but He remains focused and determined. He wants us to be the person for which we were created. Always has; always will.

What a disappointment it is to watch some of us blunder through life with no purpose in mind, not realizing that God has had one for each of us all along. How sad it is to hear someone sigh: “I am so bored. Wish I had something exciting to do.” Truth is, we have plenty to do. God’s work is never finished—that is, at least down here. So, instead of trying to work ourselves out of the doldrums by constantly taking up our time with some frivolous hobby, or incessant stream of music blasting our eardrums into shreds, why not concentrate on turning ourselves into the man or woman that God wants us to be?

What’s that? you say. Need you or I, or anyone else ask? The answer was settled long ago at a place we call Calvary. But then, we only get there by offering ourselves as living sacrifices—like He did, so many years ago. Yes, Calvary, too, is meant for us. Not just the sacrifices He made, but those that we must make also. We, too, must take up our crosses daily, and follow Him ((Matthew 16:24; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23), even if it means the greatest of all sacrifices—that is to lay down our lives for Him, as He did for us.

So, we must stop looking for a “B-Plan,” there is none! God is never satisfied with any less than the best. Why should we be? The truth is, we can’t.

Nothing like having a good "B-Plan" if things don't go as expected. However, if you, I or anyone else is looking for God's "B-Plan" forget it! He doesn't have one. Never did; never will. He has always had one central purpose for each one of us: That is, to form us into the image of Christ (Romans 8:28-29).

Try to substitute another plan from your own ingenuity, and at best we are going to mess up what God has planned for us all along. This is to say that even if God does not always get His own way with us, He never gives up. He simply doesn’t. This is where free will comes in. We will get sidetracked from time to time. He knows that, and will put up with it, but He remains focused and determined. He wants us to be the person for which we were created. Always has; always will.

What a disappointment it is to watch some of us blunder through life with no purpose in mind, not realizing that God has had one for each of us all along. How sad it is to hear someone sigh: “I am so bored. Wish I had something exciting to do.” Truth is, we have plenty to do. God’s work is never finished—that is, at least down here. So, instead of trying to work ourselves out of the doldrums by constantly taking up our time with some frivolous hobby, or incessant stream of music blasting our eardrums into shreds, why not concentrate on turning ourselves into the man or woman that God wants us to be?

What’s that? you say. Need you or I, or anyone else ask? The answer was settled long ago at a place we call Calvary. But then, we only get there by offering ourselves as living sacrifices—like He did, so many years ago. Yes, Calvary, too, is meant for us. Not just the sacrifices He made, but those that we must make also. We, too, must take up our crosses daily, and follow Him ((Matthew 16:24; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23), even if it means the greatest of all sacrifices—that is to lay down our lives for Him, as He did for us.

So, we must stop looking for a “B-Plan,” there is none! God is never satisfied with any less than the best. Why should we be? The truth is, we can’t.

Still on Kingdom Business in Southern Asia, 


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