Friday, August 24, 2018

Fake news is not news at all

"The newspaper consists of just the same number of words, whether there be any news in it or not."—Henry Fielding

Amazing isn't it, that we must listen to the same old drivel night after night to pick up what little news there is?

Words can be and most often are twisted to fit any political agenda. So, we are left with two, perhaps more, versions from which to pick the real truth. Something Francis Schaeffer once called true Truth. The idea being that truth is not something that you pick and chose from. It is either true, or it is not. Misunderstandings not withstanding. None-the-less, there is only one set of truth.

Naturally, there are interpretations, and misinterpretations. Look at a straight straw in a glass of water, and you would swear that it is bent; however, that is only an illusion. The hard fact is that we must all get past the illusion. Science doesn't lie, but it certainly is susceptible to opinion. News follows the same pattern. True Truth doesn't however. What was true yesterday is true today, and the same goes for tomorrow. One day this old world and all that boast in it shall pass away. Change is coming. When? I don't know. But, that I do know. It will change. Why? Because true Truth said so. Another way of putting that is to say "because Jesus said so (John 14:6)."

We Christian are not dummies, simply because we believe what Jesus said is ultimate truth. Someone said, well you can't prove that there is even a God. True, but you can't prove there isn't, either. So, that brings us back to square one, doesn't it? And, as I stand firmly on square one, I am confident through faith by experience that Jesus is real and can be trusted.

Someone has said, well that is fine. You can live out your truth, and I will live out mine. Interesting, and generous for them to concede on this point, but unfortunately it can and will lead to disaster. Deny that a brick wall is impenetrable, then run into it head-on, and then come back to me and tell me what you think (if you can think by then, of course).  

Now this brings me back through all the mishmash of opinion, prejudice, and just fake news or for that matter junk science. Such foolishness may gain an audience, but it will never stand the test of time. We must stick with the facts. The truth may hurt, but in the long run it will pay off (Romans 6:32).

 Let us, therefore, speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15),


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