" It's hard to imagine repenting fully of something that one does not understand fully.”— Brett Salkeld
Dear Friends,
God has not called us to be incremental Christians, nudging ahead one step at a time forever struggling in a mire of doubt, despair, and defeat. No, we are called to be conquers, in fact more than conquerors. We are called to be holy, Christlike—that is our destiny! His gifts and callings are without repentance, too (Romans 11:29). That’s good news.
Now, for the bad news. Far too few Christians get beyond the swamp. Their lives are a never-ending swirl of self-doubt, guilt feelings, and just a whole lot of “Oh, if only I had done it differently.” The truth of the matter is that fretting is the worst tool in our mental arsenal to defeat the enemy of our souls.
In earlier days we used to hear a lot about sanctification. Now, it seems to be all about justification. Justification declares us forgiven— sanctification keeps us that way, and since it is the purpose of both to transform us into the image of Christ ( Romans 12:2 ;Romans 8:28-29) both are of equal importance.
Mark declares that Jesus said we all shall be salted with fire—that is the imperfect is burned away with only that which is pure is preserved (1 Peter 1:7). Fire burns, destroys, salt preserves. Spiritually, this necessary process is for us all. It is something none of us can or should wish to escape (Job 23:10).
Salt however that has lost it properties is useless, and must be thrown out—along, presumably with the putrid food it was to preserve. This is to say that there are a lot of good men and women in the world, but goodness alone is not good enough for Heaven. That goodness must be salted and strengthened and made stronger with fire that purifies.
It is comforting to know that we are not left on our own to bring about this transformation for our God is a consuming fire—a consuming fire that purifies and burns away the doss gets rid of the imperfections and preserves us for all eternity (c.f. Ezekiel 43:22-24).
The tongues of Pentecost may be exhilarating, but it is when we are salted with fire that we are preserved for service. Tongues don’t make us proper witnesses, but the fire does. Oh, that the cloven tongues of Pentecost would fall on us all!
I won't get into all of the ins-and-outs of the doctrine of salt and fire, only to ask this. ‘What good is it to forgive a thief, release him from jail, only to allow him to go out a steal some more?’ He or she must be rehabilitated, remediated for past sin and declared fit for society again.
Far too many are "talking the walk, but not walking the talk" these days, in my opinion. Declaring that sins have been forgiven is one thing, but it is quite another to stay that way. Imagine a woman walking into her kitchen late at night and watching the cockroaches scurry for cover. Now, imagine that same woman walking about the next morning with the bright sunlight flooding her kitchen floor and then announcing that her kitchen is free from those filthy critters. Why that's silly you say. Sure, it is. Yet this is precisely what just a whole lot of “born again” Christians do. The truth is; however, God wants to get rid of the cockroaches that loiter hidden in the dark places of our soul. Yes, we are justified, but the justified must be sanctified.
Quite frankly I see a lot of false security in teaching that once someone declares faith in Christ as their personal savior everything will be fine and dandy. That’s not what my Bible teaches me.
So, we must ask ourselves, is becoming a Christian a zap or a process? Now, do you need an answer? The answer is it is both. Standing alone neither is sufficient. We must declare outright war on the cockroaches, as it were. But, generally speaking, that takes time.
Let me put it this way, if you don't feel you are making any spiritual progress in your life, you most probably are not. You see, God is not so interested in what you did, but who you are. That’s why He keeps nudging us along to do better, to become more Christlike, to get rid of the cockroaches that pollute our lives.
What you did has been forgiven, who you are is an entirely different matter. God is most interested in who you are, and nothing less than Christlikeness is enough.We can't scam God. He's 'unscramble.' So, we mustn’t play around with God like some child playing hide and seek, He knows precisely where we are when we visit the dark places in our lives where the cockroaches hide. There are no places hidden from God.
May God give us all the strength to persevere,
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