say Paul was a gifted theological genius. Perhaps so; however, that only proves
that theology will get you nowhere without truth to back it up. Let admit it,
God had to knock him flat of his theological back to get through to him that Jesus
was the Messiah. So much for theology, I would say. Theology will never outsmart
God. He is what He is. The great “I Am” is not swayed by the brilliance of man.
Given a choice, I would rather
partner with a simple man or woman on fire for God than a dozen confused scholars
from the halls of Harvard. The mark of a man is how big his heart is for God,
not the number of degrees he hangs on his wall. Chalk me up as a mystic if you
wish, but I would rather be in touch with the ineffable presence of God than
have all the head knowledge in the world.
What I have may be joy unspeakable,
but at least I have it. Theologies come and go, but his steadfast love endures
forever. I thank God every day for my Pentecostal roots which allows me to
express myself in the deepest sense of the word with stammering lips and the
inexpressible yearning of the heart and tongues that must be interpreted. What
that says to me is that God is willing and fully capable of sidestepping
conventional wisdom and entering into an eternal personal relationship with me that
even angels desire to look into. Put that in a book. You can’t.
At best all theology can do is
point you in the right direction. Yes, even orthodoxy theology. The rest is
between you and your Maker.
Take care,
JimRoane, Ph.D.
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