Thursday, February 8, 2018

Fake news a sign of the times?

Data communication will eventually destroy America, if we do not repent as a nation. This I say because data is only as good as its source. So, when data is received without first filtering it through a truth grid, then we are in big trouble. And, friends, this is precisely what fake news is all about. Lying is accepted as the gospel truth by-in-large, it seems, by a substantial segment of our society, then acted upon—that is, either regurgitated by the liberal press, or by godless activists out to deceitfully destroy what little moral structure we have left.

One of the great challenges that we as a nation face is sifting through all the digital information that is communicated over the internet, and figuring what picture has been cropped, or data distorted, or purposeful lies spread just for the sake of misinforming the public—either for fun, or because some hacker is bored, or for a more sinister unpatriotic and treasonous reason, or for some partisan advantage.

The Bible speaks not only against telling a lie, but also against “he that maketh a lie (Rev. 21:27 KJV).” And, boy is the Devil at work twisting the news with made up stories to spew out his distortions! Problem is, about the only way to check it out is through more internet, or fishing around to find some network that will stay honest long enough for you to trust it. Biased reporting, liberal, conservative, or otherwise, is not reporting at all—it is simply some reporter pushing their agenda. So, running down truth over internet or through media outlets is an endless conundrum, and frustrating to say the least. So, unless and until we get enough honest people controlling the media we are in deep trouble.

Scriptures speak against those who choose to believe a lie, and delight in doing so (2 Thess. 2:12; Rom. 1:18-32). God forbid that we who have been sanctified by the Spirit ever indulge is such nefarious practices (Thess. 2:13).

Now, once again, may God give us the wisdom and strength to resist evil, and cling to that which is good.

 Take care, and walk softly before the Lord,


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