Just for the record, I have never owned a gun, or intend to own one. That does not mean, however, that I have no thoughts about the current epidemic of assault weapon killings in America. To begin with, why in the name of common sense would anyone want an assault weapon unless it was to kill someone? You cannot by law use them to hunt animals, so what other use is there for them. Protection? I think not—at least, not primarily so. Machoism and murder is at the core of America's fascination with these weapons. That is not to say that our brave police and military forces should not have them—they should; otherwise they should be not only outlawed but confiscated.
Now, having said that, let me add that I do believe our Second Amendment does allow us to protect ourselves. The truth of the matter is, however, when is the last time you ever heard of someone using an assault weapon to protect themselves? A handgun, or perhaps a rifle or shotgun, yes; but an assault weapon, I simply have no recollection of that. Do you?
At this juncture, I must interject, that a practical solution to the problem is impossible—not just elusive, but impossible. Why do I say this? I say this because there are just too many assault firearms out there in the hands of criminals, idiots, and lunatics to confiscate them all. Confiscating some—particularly, those in the hands of known criminals, the mentally disturbed, and placing age limits on owners, would no doubt make a dent in the statistics. So, I say, let’s make the attempt.
We all know that the real problem lies in the heart of the perpetrator, and all the anger in the world will not change that unless God intervenes. Conversion is a solution, but hardly the practical answer for an incorrigible and rebellious society. If you believe that it is; then try to reform the Devil and see how far you get. So, let’s get real. Tough measures must be taken to fortify our schools and other soft-targets with practical solutions.
Without delineating those practical solutions, allow me to suggest that we should begin with holding parents accountable for the wonky actions of their children. Not just the children but also the parents. Let them prove that they “raised up the child in the way that they should go, so that when they got older they will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).”
How’s that for starters?
The bottom line is that these children did not just, for the most part, get mean all on their own. Mom and dad, played a part, also. Now, as with most generalizations, there are exceptions, but I don’t think we can deny that this is a good starter.
So, I say band the assault weapons, place age limits on gun ownership without parental supervision, and educate our children to “rat on” those they suspect of potential violent behavior. Further, it is my considered opinion that agencies responsible for monitoring our society should be held accountable for negligence, as for example those individuals who recently allow the Lakeland’s shooter’s profile to slip by without hardly a second thought.
Now, as far as arming teachers goes, I think that is a personal choice. Just like any other citizen the teacher has a right to own a gun and use it when necessary. We should, however, not depend on our teachers to be both police officers and teachers at the same time. Let’s let teachers teach, and police officers protect. In closing, I must say, school gun free zones are just a bunch of hooey, criminals will never pay any attention to that anyway.
Normally, I don’t like to mix politics and religion, but at times it is simply unavoidable, particularly in a democratic society.
Again, may God give us both the wisdom and the will to do that which is right. So, take care, and walk softly before the Lord, and by all means let us pray for our president, and those in responsible positions.
I am yours for a better tomorrow,