Friday, May 13, 2016

Will the real bigot please standup!

The Oxford International Dictionary defines a bigot:
“as a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.”

That being the case, why should Christians and other otherwise law abiding citizens take the rap for bigotry when the liberals are actually more intolerant than those who hold conflicting political and/or moral views than they do?

For instance, when’s the last time you saw those opposed to same-sex marriages, or trans-gender bath rooms shut down a college campus or sit down in the middle of a busy interstate highway to show their opposition? Or, entire companies refusing to do business with those that are not “politically correct”? Also, is it not bigotry to fine a Catholic fined $13,000 for refusing to host same-sex ‘wedding’ at their farm. If that is not bigotry, pray tell me what is. What about the Little Sisters of the Poor who are currently fighting an adjunction under the Obamacare to provide insurance to cover abortion? Is this not an outrage? Bigotry at its worst. Further, we cannot overlook the fact that many of our larger cities have mandated neutral gender bathrooms to accommodate transgender individuals over which we as the average citizen have no choice since it is their “Constitutional right!” Really? I would rather think of it as political correct tyranny at its worst. Also, what about the removal of historic monuments just for the sake of trying to erase the past to pacify ethnic and/or political minorities? Is this not historical revisionism and bigotry at its worst?  And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Further, do I like the Confederate flag? No, absolutely not. But I have friends who do and who incidentally as far as I can see are not bigots. They are just proud of being Southerners. On the other hand if someone wants to sing “I’m a Yankee Doodle Dandy” that’s fine with me, too

Well, while I am at it. I must say that black lives matter. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. But in the protest let’s include those dress in blue. As a matter of fact, let’s include all the senseless killings that are going on in America, and do something about it, rather than just talk. Certainly Second Amendment rights are part of our Constitution; however, to politicize those rights and allow suspected jihadists who are on the no-fly list who can still walk into a gun show and purchase an Uzi is total insanity. Yet, The Left who are otherwise in opposition to our Second Amendment rights will champion those rights to protect these potential murders because it is the political correct thing to do. We must not called them Muslim extremists or curb their "rights," either. It smacks too much of profiling, they argue. Really? You could use the same argument to release Charles Manson from prison since he never personally killed anyone. He didn't have to since he had others to do it for him; however, who would dare hand him an Uzi because it is his Constitutional right and we mustn't profile him? So, in my opinion, if and when a jihadist is caught redhanded advocating murder and mayhem, not only should he or she be placed on the no-fly listbetter yet, they should be placed in a cell right next to Manson himself.

I am not prepared to say which way the scales will tip in the current polarization; however,  my bet is the economics will win over human freedom and that political correctness is only a convenient vehicle for the greedy and powerful to stay in office. Amazing isn’t it that PayPal has scrapped its North Carolina expansion plan over the state's new LGBT law depriving at least 400 new employees a job just to please the LGBT lobby; or that a host of other companies have taken similar positions? Sadly, this is all done under the disguise of patriotism—that is to say, it is the American way. Let freedom ring. Even if it does mean forcing your daughter or wife to share a bathroom with a sexual pervert.

C.S. Lewis usually didn’t have much to say about politics Yet in The Four Loves—his book on the variety of human loves—Lewis talked at length about the horrible damage that can be done by patriotism, or love of country. Citing examples of damage done in the name of patriotism, Lewis mentions the trampling of the rights of Native American tribes, the gas chambers of Nazi Germany, the sins of apartheid.

Lewis is right, An enforced misplaced patriotism that is driven to the far edge of idolatry, has always led to the enforcement of a fear-based ideology, and often to death. I might say in reflecting on this that a few years past one would have never imagined that our political system could or perhaps would lead us in this direction. All we must do, however, is to replace the words"gas chambers" with the words "abortionist's rooms;" or the words "native American" with words "conservative Christians" to sense the real possibility
you get the point. We may not be there yet, but all the signs are pointing in that scary direction.

Friends, we need to pray and work harder than ever before.

I am yours in the bonds of Calvary,


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