The “me-too-ism movement” is caught between a rock and a hard place, morally. Stormy Daniels is no victim, except in the broadest sense of the word, and yet she is made out to be some kind of heroine since she is willing to expose her alleged, and filthy shenanigans of a 60-year-old married man who happened to be later elected President of the United States. How one ounce of good can come out of any of this is beyond me.
So, let’s call it what it is: debauchery at the lowest, and one might say, highest level of our country.
For some floozie to expose her freakish silicone injected breast and blow kisses to a crowd of clambering photo frenzied reporters to be elevated to a First Amendment poster child is flabbergasting, to say the least. Yet, it is taking place right before our eyes—thanks to modern technology and an eager media to make it so.
The webs of sin and lies like a finely woven spider’s web have ensnared our country as never before, since Water Gate; and there seems to be no end to the entanglements that lay before us.
All is not well in Zion, and the sooner we wake up to the fact, as a nation, the better. If not, the consequences are unbearable to imagine.
The answer? Personally, I have none, except to say, in words of Scripture that,
“If God’s people, who are called by His name, will humble themselves and pray and seek His face and turn from their wicked ways, then will they hear from heaven, and He will forgive their sin and will heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14).”
Otherwise, there is no hope this side of Heaven. So, my hope is that the pulpits of our land will echo a challenging call to repent and abandon that “other Gospel (Gal 1:6-9)” of which Paul speaks. Shall I name some of them? Let’s start with “feel-good-ism,” then move on to the pseudo spiritual magic of “get-rich-ism,” followed by “once-saved-always-saved-ism,” and last but not least, I would call “hallelujah-praise-the-Lord-spizzerinctum-ism.”
The “feel-good-ism” doctrine is based on how well one feels once they exit the church service following a pep talk on how great they are; “get-rich-ism” is something that has long since been debunked, yet it lingers—this is commonly known as the prosperity gospel; and lastly, the “hallelujah-praise-the-Lord-spizzerinctum-ism” gospel is based on how high you jump, and excited you can get in a good old rip roaring Pentecostal service. None of these is the Gospel. All are false, other gospels, which must be shunned.
I am yours for a better tomorrow,