One of the first Scripture verse that I memorized as a young aspiring teenage preacher was:
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)
It makes sense, doesn’t it? that if Jesus is God, then as God He does not change. It certainly does not take any stretch of logic to arrive at that conclusion. That’s for sure.
Yet, like the fellow who insist that each succeeding generation must reinvent the wheel, this generation of “progressives” feel the old rules don’t apply. God develops right alongside society, warts and all, according to them. The nice thing, they say, about these new rules, is that you can be what you want to be. If you were born male, never mind that’s easy, with just the right amount of money and a good surgeon’s knife “bingo” you are now female. And, if you don’t want to go through all that trouble, then you can just as easily change things with a little makeup and a dress with a new swagger to your walk. That’ll work just fine. The good news—according to them, of course, is that you now have your choice of bathrooms, and if that doesn’t fit your fancy, the government will see to it that you get a new unisex one built just for you.
Hopefully, this will change with the new administration, but I am not holding my breath, simply because this foolishness is too ingrained in our snobbish culture to reverse the trend. Yes, we have a new administration in the White House, but the majority are hitting the streets coalescing around a common agenda of licentiousness and change—not for the better, but for the worst.
Now, I am all for personal choice as long as it doesn’t force itself on me or my pocket book. The point is, to legislate morality is a nebulous thing, and is best left alone unless it adversely affects me or someone else that thinks differently then they do. So, needless to say I find it personally unsettling for the thought control Nazis to do my thinking for me, and in the process, invade my God given rights, as well as others.
Now, if by chance, there is someone out there that does not understand this cultural war—really, a spiritual war; then brace yourself because the worst is yet to come. Just wait until the new millenniums take over. I will be thankful if we can reverse the trend but I am not holding my breath on that.
Our only hope is an old fashioned God ordained revival, but I am not holding my breath on that one, either. It’s not that God can’t change things; it is simply that man won’t, and I simply do not see Him violating the free will of man to bring it about. The Bible talks about Noah’s generation revisiting us, and there is very little to convince me that these unwelcomed guests are not already knocking at our doors—kicking them down in some instances, I must say.
Now, I realize that the temptation for some is to write this all off as the ramblings of an old worn out preacher—but with age, I must tell you, comes wisdom that only experience can bring. So, my strong advice is for us to brace ourselves for the onslaught that I sense looming over the not so distant horizon.
For as Peter reminds us, we must:
"Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." (1 Peter 5:8 NIV)
An angel of light? Yes, that, too. But most often he is found hiding under the guise of sheep’s clothing waving a banner of freedom, liberty and justice for all. Problem is, they have written the dictionary instead of God.
Once again, be blessed—better yet bless others.